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At thirteen I began oil painting, and that is one of the greatest things I have ever come across. I have incredible support from my friends and family, and have the wonderful opportunity of expressing myself through my art. I hope you enjoy :)

Ring of Fire

Inspired by my friend Faith, I sought to capture her fiery yet demure personality, matched with her wanting prospects of getting red hair. Made with brush and palette knife oil painting on canvas. (Sold)


Poppy Fields

Inspired by my dear boy Bishop, I used this piece to amalgamate the feeling I get when I am with him, as well as exemplifying how close I feel to him. As well as my ecstatic joy in being able to hold his hands as often as I can, and realizing his appreciation of poppies and the color orange. (Gifted)


Rango Tango

Influenced by my brother Michael and his friend Daniel, Rango Tango is to class up the erratic styling of Rango. (Sold)


Mellow Yellow

This piece is what had stirred me into trying new styles aside from post-impressionistic influence oil painting. Minimalism is a challenge but one that I like to practice. (For Sale)


Love is All You Need

Made on National Women's Day and National Coming Out Day, this piece looks to reduce stigma surrounding femme on femme relationships, as something not to be fetishized, but rather appreciated for their additions of love to the world. (For Sale)



Yet again inspired by my boy, this piece exemplifies his gentleness, and wants to blend in, when simply he is too striking to be ignored. And also for his love of Dragon Ball Z. (Gifted)


Monotonous Charm

Made on a particularly gloomy day, this piece showcased to me how my moods influence my art, which is quite interesting to watch. (For Sale)



Inspired by one of my favorite movies, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," this was made to capture the impassiveness of Kate Winslet's character, matched by her intriguing nature. (For Sale)



Made on a day of calamity, this is another example of my moods largely influencing my subject matter and style. (For Sale)

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Made for my AP Art History final, I depicted Audrey Hepburn before flowers in styles inspired by Van Gogh and Monet. I portrayed her in her later years, as she was always depicted as young and naive, and I wanted to shed light on the extensiveness of her character. (Not for Sale


Golden Girl

In attempts of capturing elusive auras of 70s style in a modern world, this femme is cascaded in golden outlines to show her charm. (For Sale)


Third Eye

Modeled after my friend Paige's stunning green eyes, and her love of the poisson, her vision of the world was to be captured through the help of a little friend so as to be her own "third eye." (Sold)

Portfolio: Project
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